ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI :: CHENNAI 600 025AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONSREGULATIONS – 2008CURRICULUM AND SYLLABI FROMVI TO VIII SEMESTERS AND ELECTIVES FORB.E. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGSEMESTER VI(Applicable to the students admitted from the Academic year 2008 – 2009 onwards)SL.No.COURSECODE COURSE TITLE L T P CTHEORY1. EE2351 Power System Analysis 3 1 0 42. EE2352 Solid State Drives 3 0 0 33. EE2353 High Voltage Engineering 3 0 0 34. EE2354 Microprocessors & Microcontroller 3 0 0 35. EE2355 Design of Electrical Machines 3 1 0 46. CS2361 Computer Networks 3 0 0 37. Elective I 3 0 0 3PRACTICAL1. EE2356 Microprocessor and Micro controllerLaboratory0 0 3 22. EE2357 Presentation Skills and Technical Seminar 0 0 2 1TOTAL 21 2 5 26SEMESTER VII(Applicable to the students admitted from the...