This book deals with Engineering Thermodynamics, where concepts of thermodynamics are used to solve engineering problems. Engineers use thermodynamics to calculate the fuel efficiency of engines, and to find ways to make more efficient systems, be they rockets, refineries, or nuclear reactors. One aspect of "engineering" in the title is that a lot of the data used is empirical (e.g.steam tables), since you won't find clean algebraic equations of state for many common working substances. Thermodynamics is the science that deals with transfer of heat and work. Engineering thermodynamics develops the theory and techniques required to use empirical thermodynamic data effectively. However, with the advent of computers most of these techniques are transparent to the engineer, and instead of looking data up in tables, computer applications can be queried to retrieve the required values and use them in calculations. There are even applications which are tailored to specific areas which will give answers for common design situations. But thorough understanding will only come with knowledge of underlying principles, and the ability to judge the limitations of empirical data is perhaps the most important gain from such knowledge.
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AutoCAD 2006 UserGuide
Applied Mechanics And Dynamics
DOE Fundamental Hand books on Thermo Dynamics,Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
Introduction To Robotics
The word "robot" originates from the Czech word for forced labor, or serf. It was introduced by playwright Karel Capek, whose fictional robotic inventions were much like Dr. Frankenstein's monster -- creatures created by chemical and biological, rather than mechanical, methods. But the current mechanical robots of popular culture are not much different from these fictional biological creations. Basically a robots consists of:
A mechanical device, such as a wheeled platform, arm, or other construction, capable of interacting with its environment
Sensors on or around the device that are able to sense the environment and give useful feedback to the device
Systems that process sensory input in the context of the device's current situation and instruct the device to perform actions in response to the situation
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